Monday, August 22, 2016

Suicide Squad 2016

Suicide Squad is a movie about a bunch of evil doers with super abilities who are recruited by the government.  Deadshot (Will Smith) leads the reluctant dysfunctional team which includes Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Diablo, Captain Boomerang, and the Enchantress. 
I'm not a huge comic book reader and I will admit I haven't watched every movie ever released based on DC comics so somehow, somewhere I missed the situation in which Superman dies.  The last movie with Superman in it I can think of is Batman vs Superman and I only saw half of the show.  Is that how Superman dies?  I don't know.  I missed that part.  But at the beginning of Suicide Squad Superman is dead and Amanda Waller (Played by Viola Davis) is trying to get the government's buy in to form this team full of supervillains in case another otherly world threat should appear.  She promises the powers that be that she will have total control over the bad guys and that these bad guys might just do a lot of good.
Of course, things don't go as planned.  The Enchantress goes rogue and frees her brother and they plan on taking out all humans.  And the Joker (Played by Jared Leto) is determined to rescue his girl friend (Harley Quinn) so he shows up and puts a wrench in the plan. 
But in the end loyalty and friendship bond this group together and the bad guys triumph over the... uh... badder guys.  Harley Quinn is rescued by her green headed knight and the movie ends leaving a lot of room for a sequel. 

All in all, I would recommend this movie.  It was pretty predictable and really there wasn't too much I haven't seen before but it was fun and entertaining. 

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