Monday, August 29, 2016

Are you Ready for this? TV of the Day: Breaking Bad

As I was going through my post i realized I have yet to talk about any of the vast array of television I watch.  This is my first TV post.  We're really kind of in between seasons right now and really I haven't watched too much 'NEW' TV since April or May when all the series had their finales.  So I've been re-watching my favorites or I started watching Downton Abbey... which i absolutely love or all the TV shows on Netflix or Hulu while i wait quite impatiently, I might add, for all my Favorite TV to once again start up with new Seasons.  All I can say, is I sincerely hope it's not Daryl that dies in the walking dead.  They'll have a bunch of really angry people on their hands, I'll tell you what.
In the meantime... i went back and over the last two weeks I did a Breaking Bad marathon.
Breaking Bad was so well done and so well acted and I totally regret not watching it while it was on live TV so I could enjoy 'Talking Bad"... just like i enjoy "Talking Dead".

True... Breaking Bad has a totally terrible subject.  Meth.  I hate drugs and it is one of the worst plagues in modern day.  It destroys so many lives.  Breaking Bad doesn't sugar coat that fact it all.  There are overdoses and it shows how terrible addiction can be.
It takes a totally relatable and everyday guy, Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and literally by the end of the series he is the devil.  Total transformation.
He starts out as a hard working Chemistry Teacher, devoted to his family.  When he is diagnosed with Lung cancer he decides he needs to discover a way to provide for his family after he is gone.
His brother in law, Hank (Dean Norris) sparks the idea in Walt when he takes him with him to work one day.  Hank, by the way, is a Drug Enforcement Agent DEA. Walt Witnesses a drug bust and the stacks of cash confescated by the police.
He is an excellent Chemist and cooking Meth would be a piece of cake.  He recruits a former student of his, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) to help him distribute his superior Meth.
Over taken with greed and the excitement this alterior life provides Walt becomes addicted to cooking Meth and the danger that his secret life provides.  His arrogance and pride ultimately become his downfall.

So bad... and so good all at the same time.

This was an excellent television show and I know that Bryan Cranston won several, well deserved Emmy's for his performance.

My thoughts.... watch it.  watch it.  watch it!

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